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神戸の街で明治・大正より 「紙及び紙製品を取り扱ってきました」


(横山昌司取締役 撮影)

1970 株式会社 コクヨ神戸を設立
1981 阪神流通センター(西宮市山口町)倉庫竣工
1995 阪神大震災にて甚大な被害に遭い多大な損害を被るもいち早く立ち直る。その時より、阪神流通センターをメイン物流基地とする
1999 株式会社 パピルスカンパニーを株式会社コクヨ神戸の子会社として設立。ネットビジネスに参入
2001 近畿のコクヨ総括店(コクヨの専門販売店)7社が合併し コクヨ近畿販売株式会社を設立
2002 子会社である株式会社パピルスカンパニーと合併し、商号を「株式会社 パピルスカンパニー」に変更する
2004 中国に独資にて神戸粘着製品(シンセン)有限公司設立
2011 大阪中小企業投資育成株式会社より出資を受け資本金4800万円となる
2012 東京支店を大田区蒲田に開設
2014 東京支店を港区三田に移転
2016 東京支店を本店に組織変更
2020 本社を移転



株式会社 神戸協栄コクヨの時代



株式会社 コクヨ神戸の時代



株式会社 ウッズ・カンパニーの時代


株式会社 パピルスカンパニーの時代

Opening its port to the seas of the world, Kobe City has succeeded in promoting and maintaining growth since Hyogo Port ( the current Kobe Port ) was opened in 1868, around which the predecessor of our corporation came into being. Along with the history oh Kobe City, our company has made steady progress dealing with paper goods and paper as early as 19th century. As time went by, the period of rapid economic growth came in the country. In response to meet the needs of the times, our new sales company dealing only with Kokuyo products saw the light of vigorated Kobe City, after Kashiwai Shigyo Co., Ltd. and Yokoyama Kamiten, the predecessor of the current Yokoyama Co., Ltd. had decided to have their respective kokuyo departments consolidated into one, which was subsequentry to help contribute to the economic progress not only of Kobe but also surrouding regions.

1970 Kokuyo Kobe was established with 54 million yen in capital.
1981 the warehouse of our company in the Hanshin Distribution Center (yamaguchi-cho, Nishinomiya) was brought to completion.
1995 The company suffered extensive damage from the Great Hanshin Earthquake, however, very soon did it regain its vigor and strength with the united efforts of our entire staff.
1999 Papyrus Company was established as asubsidiary of kokuyo Kobe, entering the Internet-related business.
2001 Seven companies dealing only with kokuyo products Kinki were merged, forming kokuyo kinki Sales co., ltd.
2002 the company was merged with a subsidiary, papyrus Company.
2004 In China, Kobe Adhesive Product(Shenzhen) Company, wholly capitalized, was established.
2011 Increased the capital by Osaka Small and Medium Business Investment & Consultation Co.,Ltd. Capital is 48,000,000 yen.
2012 Head office opened in Ota-ku Kamata.
2014 Head office moved to Mita Minato-ku.
2016 Head office is reorganized as head office.
2020 Head quarter moved.